New Jersey Modern Media Committee
New Jersey Modern Media Committee

Dear Friends, what would you pick up while sitting at this table?

Welcome. What will you find here?


The MMCNJ seeks to inform about using technology safely, it seeks to show the risks of the digital world we live in.


Smartphones are our biggest concern. 

At one time, students were asked how comfortable they were with their knowledge of avoiding the dangers of modern media. One put simply: “no one should ever be comfortable”.

Yet, apathy is actually our next biggest concern.


Help from a partner.

Other Websites

Our sister congregations also have a great deal of information available. We refer you to them as well.

Technical Guides

Guides how to setup filters and accountability programs.


Religious Guides

Instruction from Pastors and Churches.

Practical Techniques

Things to try. Things to learn.

Modern Media Pamphlets

Pamphlets provided to our Church members which discuss a few different modern media topics.